The natural levels of the essential enzymes NAD+ decrease. To boost the level of NAD+ in the body, people undergo an anti-aging IV therapy that slows down the aging process and helps them stay focused and energetic all day long.

What Is NAD+?

NAD+ is a tiny molecule that enables the enzymes found in the body’s cells to stay active. The vital biological processes like metabolism or the health of DNA need to make living possible. NAD+ safely and efficiently transfers energy from food to the tissues. However, it does not serve the human DNA. It works very well in the cells of plants, yeast, bacteria, and other mammals.

It is involved in hundreds of metabolic processes. Among these, the human body reacts in two available sets:

  • It works as a helper molecule for proteins regulating other cellular functions.
  • It turns nutrients into energy to boost metabolism.

Uses of NAD+IV Therapy

Fortifying cells' defense systems

Repairing damaged DNA

Converting food into energy

Setting the body's circadian rhythms

Frequently Asked Questions

What to Expect in NAD+ IV Therapy?

The first NAD+ IV therapy is performed over the course of two days. During the treatment, you will be provided by IV for 1 to 4 hours. Depending upon the treatment plan, you are either infused with a lower dose or subcutaneous injections. The treatment plan is based on the health goals or current condition.

The results from the first NAD+ IV Therapy will last for four to fourteen days. It will turn on your good genes, increasing your intracellular levels of NAD+, thereby reversing your age-related cellular dysfunction. After the treatment, you will feel a better, energetic, and healthy body. It will also help you lose weight effortlessly and enable you to concentrate and perform cognitive functions accurately.

Not only that, it will assist you in recovering from addictions, reduce pain, improve mental clarity, boost memory, improve mood, etc. It will also improve your athletic performance and prevent the onset of specific diseases like diabetes and fatty liver disease. Hence, it is a very effective procedure for patients suffering from the mentioned problems.

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Smiling Team Member
Lisandra Santos
Nurse Practitioner